The Lady with the Unicorn "The audition"
♦ Depending on the species, the communication channels used by animals may be tactile, chemical, optical,
electric, electro-luminescent, acoustic, corporal, of the order of the dance. Communications can be exchanged over short or long distances.
Take the definition of animal language according to Schauenberg, Dr. of Science:
"Under the influence of internal or external factors, an animal emits a visual,
acoustic or chemical signal which is received by another animal by specialized sensory organs and to which it will react
according to the meaning of the message. This is the basic definition of all the secret languages of animals. From the humblest
creatures to man, almost all animals possess one or more proper systems of communication. The primary function of language,
whatever it is, is to ensure the sustainability of the species ...
Secondly, language serves as an identification and recognition signal between individuals of the same species.
The animals also report their territory and express their aggression, or on the contrary their fear, by
signals. Language is in fact a code governing the proper functioning of the animal kingdom and ensuring each form its identity by prohibiting hybridizations.
Man has the most perfect communication system, most of which is transmitted by voice and writing. "
Let's add that the animal must have been raised with members of its species to understand the
language and social conduct of his kind, which is natural in nature.
One can ask the question and think that there are differences of language within the same species if the
two groups of individuals have never had any link between them at the geographical level and maternal lines suitable for
transmitting language to their young.
One can also think that the animal does not speak to say nothing, the language of all animals of the same species is substantially universal.
♦ If we reduce the animal field to be limited to mammals, animals with maternal ties due to breastfeeding, a nurturing and protective role that makes attachment possible, affection, we can think that a richer language (for example that of reptiles) will be established.
The Lady with the Unicorn "The touch"
♦ Dame Sarrasine chooses here to be interested in herbivores who are prey and whose diet requires many hours to feed
away from the fact of the other carnivorous mammals of which we are part. In addition to feeding, the flight reflex and other
details, the herbivorous mammal is distinguished from the carnivore by the position of the eyes which are located laterally
while the carnivore has the eyes well centered on the face; thus any mammal that meets another mammal automatically knows
whether it is in the presence of a carnivore or an herbivore.The position of human eyes indicates that he is a predator and he
remains the only mammal whose the eye, this particular fact sets us apart from other predators. Both the herbivore and the
carnivore must be sensitive. It should be noted that among certain Arab Thoroughbreds we perceive as in humans the white that
surrounds the pupil.
In addition, we emit a smell related to our food and many animal species are very sensitive to olfactory information.
♦ Before any development, in addition to being from the point of view of the animal, keep in mind that the human often speaks
to "say nothing" and his conversation only serves to maintain a link with the other, talk about the rain and good weather, about
him ...
On this subject, an old Arab saying reveals the importance of language:
"If what you have to say is not more beautiful than silence, then shut up"
Keep this in mind when we talk about animal language.
But after all, the animals may be talking about rain or good weather, or at least they think about it, the weather influencing their mood.
And then too, an instinctive feeling allows animals to predict the weather, so why talk about it.
Note that on this subject the human likes to talk about all that he already knows, but also to maintain links. This is the value
given to language and its functions (see human part of this site) before studying here.
♦ This site will endeavor to better know the horse according to 3 axes not yet addressed in all literature
ethological, equestrian or in intuitive communication. Dame Sarrasine having carried out many internships and trainings in these
different fields, to have nourished readings but especially of observations very varied, it will not be of their contents which
will be question here, books, courses and formations being numerous on the subject.
Dame Sarrasine undertakes here to expose her research on the animal language by integrating her orthophonic knowledge,
neuropsychological, applied phonetics and mental management.
This site will expand as time goes on and it does.
- I) Language and language skills but also its functions.
- II) Neuropsychology with executive functions.
- III) Mental management.
♦ Before beginning to approach these three axes in an analytically human way and this without exceeding fixed limits,
Dame Sarrasine allows thought to fly before returning to the concrete of its method of analysis.
André DHÔTEL is therefore essential with the "fabulous rhetoric" Ed: Le temps qu'il fait.p 53.
"Let us come to the forest, how is a fox going without error in the middle of the forest?" There is not a path for him (or for us
for that matter) in the midst of endless coppices.No direction because you have to go around the plants, possible thickets and
there is great risk of returning to the point where we left. For the fox, the sources of smell are just as inadequate as in
vague directions, for example when he has to hurry to avoid the dogs during the beatings, to escape and pass behind them,
as he does every time. There is no other explanation than the existence of an unknown network of the space to which it abandons
itself and which is still a dream or illumination of another nature than that which we know and which makes it finally find his
den or a border auspicious, in principle as untraceable as for us Paradise.
And then I watched the swallows and I continued my fable. You will tell me that it is false, and I will answer you first of
all that you know nothing about it, but especially that it is enough for me to tell you. You will do what you please.
"So the swallows gather before they leave. You will see about a hundred on electric wires for example. But what are they waiting
for? Well, from time to time they fly away, form bands as they have never done. They go around and come back to perch, then they
start again. What does my fable tell you? It is that they seek, before the great departure, to find the lines of the network of
space which unites the country they leave to that which they must earn there. In vain we tried to understand how they were
orientated, starting from our human idea of a direction to follow: stars, sun, configuration of the grounds, magnetism. Or the
first necessity would be an over-excitement of the glands. But neither glands nor triangulation designate the situation of
distant countries. No normal function reports ease of migration. There is nothing more than a totally fabulous affair.
The swallows for their departure have sought to be taken by an unknown plot of space, say by a total dream arisen out of an
external ordinance and not of themselves.The dream is superimposed on the recording of ordinary perceptions, in fact that Africa
becomes as present to them as the North of Europe, with the moon, the sun, the stars and the smallest insects that can also
enter a space we do not know the unknown images, which are the images of an elsewhere ... "
The Lady with the Unicorn "The view"
Based on the Bloom and Lahey model, developed on this site in the human language part, let's talk about
the language of mammals according to the 3 language skills:
- The form
- The contents
- The use
Dame Sarrasine chooses here for object of study the horse, animal of the most studied and remains attentive of all the
observations or comments on the subject.
It will be necessary to study the Form through:
- the auditory signals - the visual signals through the positions of the
eyes, tail, ears, lips, nostrils, mimicry - tactile signals - body signals - smells.
Dame sarrasine fits here in part the grid of the Honen Center concerning the "how the human communicates" filling it.
She will be doomed to evolve.
Level I
Crying: ? - but not with real tears, to read in the eyes
By blowing: +
Shouting: +
By making sounds: +
Looking at: +
By making disordered gestures with his body, his neck: +
Level II
By making mimicry: ?+
Laughing: ?-, smiling: +
By producing all kinds of sounds + the study of these sounds and their place of emission will be studied separately, as well as
the postures and positions and movements of the different parts of the body
Stretching your head: +
With the ears : +
The tail : +
Level III
Shaking your head to say Yes or No: -. The Yes and the No are rather carried by the acceptance or the refusal
By seeking to establish eye contact : +
Looking up: + and gesturing: + show direction: +
By mimicking what he means: +
By producing sounds that take the place of words or ideas: +
By occasionally using isolated words:?
Level IV
Often using isolated words:? +
By combining words (difficult to understand): ?
By combining two or more words: ?
Using sign language : +
Each communication attitude deserves to be studied through the different functions of "why the horse communicates"
Dame Sarrasine will develop this theme later.
Dame Sarrasine will come back on the physiological qualities of the sounds emitted by the
horse and in particular the Height (grave, medium, acute), Intensity (strong, weak), as well as the Duration (long, short), that
the horses use and modulate in their communication. So :
- Well-being, the pleasure of being together is often expressed in a low frequency and a low intensity
- The call on acute and strong frequencies
- Joy, excitement spreading from medium to high, from strong to very strong
- A big annoyance on serious frequencies with breath and strong intensity.
...later on this site with recordings
It will be necessary to enrich this subject, but it seems that this way of modulating the sounds is the same as in the human with
the intentions concealed behind.
- We observe that this aspect of the form gives us clues about the content of ideas or state to express, implying that the horses
are aware of the existence of this content. Difficult analysis of the Duration could help isolate "words" hidden behind ideas
Dame Sarrasine invites you to audibly discriminate sound sequences produced by horses and link them to actions. It will also be
interesting to analyze them at the spectral level, to compare them in order to decrypt them. A priori, it seems that the sound
sequences express more the various emotional feelings, joy (whose "hello I am happy to see you" ) fear through impatience and
frustration and also the call.
It will also be necessary to study the sounds on the phonatory level by analyzing the mode of production and the "articulatory" position.
Then, it is likely that the same sound repeated once or twice does not have the same meaning, which would then be similar to our
syllabic system.
Body language clearly expresses the horse's intentions regarding his basic needs and his interactions with other members of the
group, but also a bodily attitude reflecting his well-being or malaise.
The human has the same body language easily identifiable by other humans (except in certain language disorders)
Many of these signals being commented on elsewhere, they will be developed here later by continuing the analysis, the aim being
at first to better define the lines of analysis and reflection.
- It is necessary to observe the sequences of movements of the horse's lips, to isolate sequences, and what sequences are
observed after which actions, which could connect us to the content of his thought.
It is common to hear in the world of horse riding "the horse chews after an apprenticeship, we must leave him this pose, the time
to think about what he has done", could we go further in the observation and isolate different sequences of chewing.
- Then, without extending for the moment on this subject, chewing after learning could be decrypted through the mental management
and the gesture of understanding and another memorization. Thus, by this sequence of movements of lips, the horse would thus
evoke the sequence that he has just lived thus reflecting his own understanding of the action and his planning.
These same movements are perhaps repeated before falling asleep as an evocation thus allowing to redo live the action and to put
it in memory and then to restore it.
- These lip movements exist in contexts other than learning, diet ...
We can also observe two relaxed horses watching each other and making these movements, other times putting themselves mouth to mouth
Dame Sarrasine also saw one of the horses accompanying her life look her right in the eye, then muddle, then specified her
movements by repeatedly repeating the sequences on the back of the hand.
It is important to isolate these other movements that may be part of a gesture of communication associated with the affect, the
sweetness, the same well-being related to the orality of the young child and also the foal, these first moments related to food,
to the link with the mother, which allows to eat by opening and closing the lips, but also allows to kiss and say the first
emotional word "mom" even his product in all human languages like dad ,: / p / / b / / m / (of the same point of articulation)
followed by / a / (the / an / being the nasal vowel of / a /). Note also that as the human baby, it is with his lips that the
young horse becomes aware of information related to his environment (the young child is all mouthful).
Observe that close horses scratch at the withers but make the same movements of lips without scrapes.
-When a colt is in contact with a new horse, he also performs lip movements often interpreted by "Do not hurt me, I'm small, I'm a foal"
Dame Sarrasine offers you here to observe in this video, this scene of language horse:
A new horse (C the black, here 2 1/2 years), is introduced in a meadow where are K the white and his filly E barely a year old.
The 3 horses already know each other, their respective boxes being side by side under a shed and C knows E since birth.)
Video soon on the site.
In addition, E reproduced the same movements even more exaggerated at the age of 2 1/2 in front of a new horse.
To exist, it deserves to be mentioned, so as not to forbid any line of thought and give free rein to our thought.
These sequences of lip movements carry language content.
Identifying the idea of the content then makes it possible to decrypt the associated form.
Our human eye is also uneducated or adapted to capture the subtlety of animal language with all time intervals and movement accuracies.
Remember that it is in his first year of life that humans learn to select the sounds and language of the mother tongue including
accents. The further away from this year, the more difficult it is to acquire the foreign accent.
In the same way, our human ear is not accustomed to discriminating frequencies produced by the horse which are located in a
different frequency zone than those forming part of the sounds of human language. Not to mention the notion of rhythm in the
production of sound sequences of the horse.
The specific content of each animal species is the most mysterious to discover
We must first find the contents similar to those of humans by extrapolating to the animal, but also by better understanding
their perceptions, to find new content. It should also be questioned if they express these contents, before, if we feel like it,
to be able to dare to discover a content totally unimaginable and peculiar to the animal.
A) It is on NOTIONS OF EXISTENCE OF CONTENT that Dame Sarrasine carries first her choice. To know the subject if:
According to the grid of the ladies Agnès BO and Laurence Kunz, Speech therapists:
Dame Sarrasine responds to items by +, -,? this according to her observations but will also be very interested by yours
- He uses existence: there is: +
- He uses the no existence: there is not: +
- He uses the term "still":+
- He has the notion of disappearance: there is no more:+
- He has the notion of lack: he lacks: +
- He has the notion of negation:
broken, not broken:? -: this notion is particularly interesting and would imply a different way to understand and understand the
environment, not registering it in a binary combination and possibly also opening here if this is the case on other types of
content more difficult for us to identify.
- He has the notion of internal state: I am sick, I am tired:+
- He has the notion of external state: it is cold .., it is difficult:+
- He has the notion of possession: it's mine: +
- He has the notion of quantity: + attention, the notion of quantity is not that of number
- He has the notion of causality: because: ?+
The questioning on this subject is particularly interesting. This could lead to a major difference between the human and the
animal. The human always wants to know the cause, the origin of things, which pushes him to have questions about his own origin.
Who are we, where do we come from and as such one of the functions of language is probably to try to better understand this
meaning of life, to ask questions. The animal seems to live more intensely its present moment unlike the human who often lives
his present by evoking the past or by projecting himself in the future, from by the fact, full of details of present moments
that animals know well. Moreover, the fact of being in the non-questioning of the origin of things makes its importance in the
present moment on the one hand, and on the other hand the acceptance of the events of life is then easier.
As for the horse, let's add the notion of effect, to dissociate from the cause. The horse possesses this notion but especially
the notion of cause with immediate effect intervening in the notion of action: + (action-reaction), but also surely of the order
of the cause to the effect in a temporal and spatial continuum
- He has the notion of time: +: tomorrow? +. After +, yesterday? To the notion of duration + To the notion of delay +, not to be
there at the scheduled time +
- He has the notion of coordination: and, with +, but ..: ?+
- He has the notion of localization: here, up, out ..:+
- He has the notion of action:+
When we speak of a word here, it is a sound, a position of a part of the body. A sentence will include a succession of gestures
or words that often reflect the underlying, identifiable intentional idea.
Khomsi's O-52 report highlights the level of complexity of the child's understanding strategies (see human part): Dame Sarrasine
will try to establish a protocol to better define them in the horse:
Dame Sarrasine emits for now +? - according to what she has identified in her daily experience.
- Pragmatic strategies: understand the statement based on what the horse knows about reality : +
- Lexical strategies: the statement is entered from a word in the sentence : +
- Morpho-syntactic strategies: the statement is entered from the relation between two elements of the sentence : ? +
- Narrative Strategies: The statement is captured through the treatment of temporal and causal succession : ?
- Meta-discursive strategies: accept the non-communicative value of the statement; to decenter the statement : ?
These last two strategies have a strong value in the human being and have the particularity of allowing him to enter the world of written language.
Grid of Dame Sarrasine.
This grid first wants to list the topics of content and eventually communication, to consider new ones, to question the existence
of some. Next, it should be noted how often the horse communicates about each of the listed topics, namely When: "Always - Often
- Sometimes - Never -? "
Remember that the horse can communicate through body attitudes, sounds, sign language.
- Food or water
- Taste of food, water
- Toys
- Pets
- Other objects
- Kinship
- Other clan members
- Friends
- Neighbors
- Social interactions
- Human teacher
- Animal Teacher
- Other people
- To eat
- To drink
- Le goût des aliments.
- Grooming
- Scratching
- Itching
- The insects
- Plants
- Roll
- Play, gallop, let off steam
- Go for a walk
- Listen to the environment, observation
- Unknown noises not interpreted
- The territory
- Other animals living in the same territory
- The language in part of other animals living in the same territory
- Nap
- The sleep
- The weather
- Passing time
- The moon, the sun, the rain, the snow
- Day, night
- The boundaries of the territory explored and the unknown behind
- Their imaginary behind this limit, a content of fear?
- New areas of interest
- Reproduction.
- From their internal state
- Of the disappearance
- Of death. From the death of others? From their own death that they feel coming? Is it the same notion as the human?
- Other activites
- The first name: does each animal have a name that would be given to it by the mother, a name that would impose itself, a
particular sound that it would produce to create the link, just as the human repeats several both the name of his baby by
addressing him and as we also do with our pets. Then when two horses are separated, they are called; the little seeking to hear
his mother among the other horses and vice versa. In this case, does the horse say, "I am X, is there anyone?" and the other to
answer "me Z".
Or another version "Z are you there?
Both are possible but the first possibility is shorter, requiring less sound exchange, which is economical for the survival of
It should be noted that studies on the dolphins' language have shown that they were called by meaning the desired dolphin.
Let us add here that the horse must have a proper vocal imprint, like the human and that the fact of neighing must be enough to
be identified by a congener, at the same time that this stamp issued on a frequency could represent his name.
♦ The third component of human language is the use of language, pragmatic, no doubt that it exists in other mammals
thus allowing their survival.
This language competence, depending on the "why say", implies that the sender wants to communicate with the receiver.
It should be noted that what the human understands and understands from animal language is essentially linked to the third
linguistic competence, namely the use of language and therefore of the order of pragmatics: the human then translates the
language animal body which signifies its intention related to its internal state or external influences and indicated by the
position of the ears, tension and movement of the body, the tail, the head, quality of the look
The use of language by the animal can be described as sincere and correct in that its body language faithfully reflects his
intention and his feelings.
But this third linguistic component also possesses more subtly, in human language, the understanding of notions such as "why?
How? Who? What?"
It should be noted that these are problems that pose problems in autism spectrum
disorders making communication more than difficult. Do horses have these notions?
To develop.
♦ On all the language components of the mammal, Dame Sarrasine will return here, very largely, later.
- In the meantime, let's imagine an example allowing our thought to try itself and this without any censorship.
So :
- A horse is distant and visually separated from other horses; on his side he sees a wild boar far away and fled to join the
other horses; When he arrived near them, is he able to make them understand by a sound, a posture, an evocation of smell that the
object of his escape was a boar?
Let us postulate in this case as a starting hypothesis for reflection:
a) The horse does not bring back, in this case, the olfactory molecules that would allow other horses to detect the object of
fear. (Dame Sarrasine is also convinced that the sense of smell of a horse is very sophisticated and that it thus obtains from
its environment of multiple information which it is then useless to relay otherwise, this will deserve one day a development
through a long story).
b) Suppose the whole group of horses has already seen a wild boar together.
Do mammals mean beings or things from their environment to their congeners, like humans?
If this is the case and this is also the question, there must be differences due to members of the same community and culture; as
it is the case of humans not speaking the same language or eating the same thing because living in distant countries. Or not. To
be developed later
- One can also question another element of language dependent on a higher order and the order of pragmatics, namely "the desire"
to communicate what he saw and for others "the want to know "the object of fear.
This example deserves a longer development and through examples and observations, Dame Sarrasine will return to the subject barely sketched out.
The Lady with the Unicorn "The taste"
Before tackling later the theme of the mental management in the horse, Dame Sarrasine brings here a new track of observation of
the horse:
♦ THE OBSERVATION OF OCCULAR MOVEMENTS, from the point of view of the observer.
These movements are reliable because they are involuntary
The observation of eye movements allows the observer to know the types of evocation that he guesses in the observed.
- Dame Sarrasine proposes here to observe them in the horse and especially in the learning phase. And to know if there is a link
with the chewing during the apprenticeships, thus allowing to have access to the contents of thinking thanks to the type
- It will be necessary to note whether it is the same as the human.
Dame Sarrasine is waiting for your return, the object of all these observations and researches intended to be shared, thus
creating links with those who love communication with the animal.
Collecting a large number of observations can only enrich the subject.
The awareness of the existence of these movements is used in rehabilitation based on mental management to help the subject to
become aware of all his evocations and their wealth.
Dame Sarrasine quotes here "Behind the magic the NLP"de R.CAYROL et J. de SAINT-PAUL. Inter Editions.
He sees something that has not been seen before.
Constructed image.
He remembers something already seen
Visual memory.
- EYES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WAVE, he looks into the void with slight dilation of the pupil:
Image stored or built.
He hears external or internal sounds (memorized or imagined)
sensations, émotions.
- EYES BOTTOM RIGHT: internal dialogue
It should be noted here that the human often perceives many clues from which he does not understand or understand the origin of
the observation and that he sometimes attributes to a kind of intuition or telepathy, this in no way preventing these facts from
being able to exist elsewhere. Dame Sarrasine's purpose is to clarify human understanding of animal language.
The Lady with the Unicorn "My desire"
While waiting for this conclusion, Dame Sarrasine leaves it to the Lady with the unicorn, and her last
tapestry, the most enigmatic:
♦ -Elisabeth Taburet-Delahaye, Ph.D. in Art History in 1989, director of the Cluny Museum,
has devoted a part of her time to teaching, notably at the École du Louvre, and she is the author of numerous scientific and technical publications.
Thus, she explains in "The Lady with the unicorn, Paris, 2007, 2nd edition, 2010":
"In medieval times, the 6 th sense theory is that of the sense of the heart.The heart was heard both in the sense of human love,
including carnal, but also in its philosophical sense. this meaning goes through the opening of the heart. "
The only desire of the Lady with the unicorn being that of the awakening of her conscience.
- The action performed by the Lady, is to deposit in a box that presents her next, the necklace she wears in the other five
This action could represent the renunciation of material pleasures to consecrate oneself to the ultimate sixth
sense but also free will.
- This sixth tapestry would mean, according to some authors, the understanding, a virtue forming part of the things of the mind
with sight and hearing, whereas touch, taste, smell are senses of matter.
♦ - The 6 tapestries are on display in France, in Paris, at the Cluny Hotel, a national museum of the Middle Ages.
These tapestries were probably woven in Flanders at a date probably between 1484 and 1515 whose sponsor would be Antoine le Viste.
Indeed, we see the coat of arms of Le Viste in the tapestries (the 3 crescents of the moon on a blue background)
- We find in the catalog of the exhibition "Primitifs français"., Louvre Museum, Paris, February 27 2004-17 May 2004:
"The style would be that of the Master of Anne of Brittany, an illuminator and engraver who worked for the sponsor of the hunt
for the unicorn, Anne of Britain, either Jean d'Ypres, died in 1508, or his brother Louis. two are from a line of painters who
inspired the tapestry cartoons. "
- And in the Press Release, The Lady with the Unicorn, Cluny Museum, National Museum of the Middle Ages:
"Remarkable for the originality of its conception, The Lady with the Unicorn is also remarkable for the quality of its execution,
the fruit of a collaboration between the painter of the model, the cartonnier who carries it to size, and finally the licier
which transposes cardboard into weaving. The models were probably provided by a Parisian artist named 'Master of the Very Little
Hours of Anne of Brittany'.It is very likely to this painter, who worked for the king and the queen of France and who met a
brilliant success with high Parisian magistrates and large ecclesiastical, who were entrusted
The question of the place of weaving is particularly difficult to solve. The hypothesis of a Parisian realization is not
excluded, although the most known production centers are at this time in the north of France and the South Netherlands ...
Even more than the drawing, the red color of the background makes this wall hanging a luxury object. The fact that this red has
kept its vivacity indicates indeed that the wool was tinted with a pigment based madder of very high quality ...
♦ The precise meaning of these tapestries has given rise to much debate. The interpretation that is today most
readily accepted is that of allegories of the five senses: the view, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. However, there are six
tapestries and the mystery remains as to the interpretation of the last piece, the only one bearing an inscription:
'my only desire'. It would illustrate a sixth sense, the closest to the soul or the world of the spirit, which could be the heart
, following a conception developed for example in the work of Jean Gerson at the beginning of the fifteenth century (The Morality
of the heart and the five senses).
As medieval thought accepts multiple meanings that complement each other without excluding one another, it is possible that these
allegories had other, more earthly meanings. "
- The view is symbolized by the unicorn contemplating her image in the mirror stretched by the Lady.
- Hearing symbolized by the Lady who holds an organ.
- The taste evoked by the gesture of the maid tending a cup to the Lady who tends a dragee to a parrot, reinforced by the monkey
who is about to taste a fruit and the lion signifying its greedy interest.
- The smell, the lady braids a wreath of flowers and the monkey breathes a flower.
- The touch, one of the hands of the Lady touches the horn of the animal to the magical power and the other firmly holds the pole
of the standard. The panther is only seen in this tapestry, other species found in several tapestries
- The sixth sense, previously mentioned.
♦ Marie-Elisabeth Bruel, having completed her doctoral thesis in French literature on "L'illustration du Roman of the
Rose of Guillaume de Lorris ... "proposes to read in the six hangings, the six courteous allegorical Virtues presented in the
Roman de la Rose by Guillaume de Lorris.The reference to the senses would be only accessory:
"The Virtues appear successively to the hero of the novel like so many women during the initiatory journey that they
make him pursue:
- Idleness,that is to say the superficial appearance, for the View.
- Wealth, that is, a brutal form of greed, for the Touch.
- Frankness, that is to say, a direct sensation without deception, for the taste.
- The jubilation, that is to say, an elevation of the soul, for hearing.
- Beauty, that is to say, a rapture of the soul towards harmony, for the sense of smell.
- The largesse, that is to say the generosity, supreme virtue, for "My only desire".
♦ The lion / unicorn couple, symbols of courage and purity are present on all the tapestries which are enriched by an
important bestiary, source of interpretations.
"The background of 'thousand flowers' tapestries, populated with flowers and pets - rabbit,birds, lambs - creates a poetic
"These funds are quite common at the end of the Middle Ages, but the use of a red background is more exceptional, and
accentuates the preciousness of the curtain. In addition, red and blue rub shoulders on the coats of the six pieces, association
theoretically prohibited according to the codes of science heraldry."
Press kit, The Lady with the Unicorn, Cluny Museum, National Museum of the Middle Ages.
The birds are varied, parrot, magpie, hawk, falcon, heron ...
And Dame Sarrasine to add: "Do not birds symbolize language?
♦ Let's add that it is Prosper Mérimée (informed by Georges Sand), French inspector of historical monuments, who
ordered the tapestries of "the Lady to the Unicorn" as historical monuments.
Merimee's correspondence specifies about the tapestries:
"there were other" more beautiful, says the mayor, but the former owner of the castle - it belongs today to the city
- a count of Carbonière, cut them out to cover carts and make carpets. "
These tapestries were part of the hanging of the Lady to the Unicorn and if so what could they represent, or was it other
♦ Dame Sarrasine will finish with this photo of two mares accompanying her life and which symbolizes the senses
evoked in the Lady with the Unicorn.
The Senses and The Essence: Photo of Dame Sarrasine.