Dame Sarrasine Dame Sarrasine French Site


♦ Dame Sarrasine 's YouTube Channel :  Dame Sarrasine 's videos 

♦ Videos 3D on neurological physiology :  Neuromatiq.net 

My great respect to Dr. Ben Brahim Mohammed and Dr. Belhasen Mohammed Faouzi for this admirable and interactive aid on neurological physiology.
This support aims to simplify the operation of the nervous system and to expose it in an elegant and concise way.
My cordial thanks to Dr. Ben Brahim Mohammed who gave me the authorization to use the product of his exceptional work in order to incorporate extracts in my video "Executive Functions".

♦ Site EQI Free Horse and and its marvelous artists:  EQI Free Horse 

♦ Site of the luminous Linda Tellington-Jones :  Magic of TTouch